Use Huddle's powerful search engine

Huddle's search engine lets you look for any item; File, Task, Meeting, Whiteboard or Discussion post, in any or all of your workspaces.

It's quick and simple to use. First, in the top right hand corner of any workspace, or your dashboard, click Search:

Choose a workspace from the drop down menu or select "in all my workspaces" to search everywhere, then type in your keywords, and click Search.

IDEA: Just about to create a new document? Why not search huddle first - You might find related discussions or existing documents that could help.

Huddle doesn't just search through file names, it searches the contents of your documents too. You'll see whiteboards, tasks, meetings and discussions as well as files by default. Just click on the file heading to be taken straight to it.

If you would like to search more specifically, the advanced search features let you narrow down by type, date created, and by the user who created or last updated the document:

See Huddle's search feature in action in this brief video (1:00) below: